Young Adult
Types of Therapy:
Young adult years are filled with opportunities to define your future. This can be exciting and both overwhelming and exhausting. In a short amount of time you find yourself navigating uncharted waters and may be dealing with large amounts of stress and anxiety. Therapy can provide the support and strategies to live healthy and fulfilled.
Common Struggles
for Young Adults
Are you a teen or young adult struggling with high stress and anxiety because the expectations for yourself or from others seem hard to reach at times?Are you overly stressed with too much to do and not enough time to do it? Does the fear of failure and constant self criticism make you feel as if your dreams are not impossible?
Being a young adult is a special time of forming your identity and life goals. These young adult years present challenges such as rigorous academic expectations for the high school and college student, new social circles, managing stress, time management issues, and homesickness.
Young adults often find themselves with jam packed schedules, in new jobs and navigating adult relationships in new ways. Whew, that’s a lot!! These often increase anxiety and can lead to emotional dysregulation. With counseling, you gain personal insights, develop strategies and come up with real life solutions to the problems and challenges you face in everyday life. Therapy can be a beautiful life changing experience during this time. Early intervention is the best opportunity for long-term positive effect on all areas of life from career choice to current and future relationships.